ripplepak toronto online store



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Welcome to Ripplepak Retail Online Ordering. Now YOU can purchase some of our wholesale products or other handy inventions and have them delivered.

Site Offerings

Why us?

Ideas Become Reality

We have our own in house inventor and the machinery to make and test our own products.

Knowledge + Experience

Uthane Research has been in business since 1976 and owns many innovative patents.

Competitive Pricing

Since we manufacture our own products, third party markups are not a factor.

Secure Transactions

All transactions and feedback forms are encrypted to ensure your information and identity is protected. 


“What You See Is What You Get” … No bull. A business with a bad reputation would not survive for over 40 years.

Great Customer Support

The best sales force a company can have are referrals from happy customers. If it’s not right, we will listen and do our best to make it right.